Keynote Speakers

Theodosios P. Tasios
National Technical University of Athens, Greece
"Design and Construction Characteristics of Ancient Greek Public Works"
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Ioan Andreescu
Politehnica University of Timișoara, Romania
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Ioan Andreescu is an Architect, graduating the “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism in 1982, and holds an PhD in Architecture since 1999 developed at the same University, with the title “Spiritual origins in modern architecture”. Since 1990 he is main partner at the architecture studio “S.C. Andreescu & Gaivoronschi S.R.L.”, with over 80 projects in different fields, from architecture to heritage building restoration, landscape architecture, interior architecture and urban planning. The projects developed in the studio received both national and international prizes and nominalizations, the latest ones being the German Design Award 2018 for the City Business Centre Timisoara – final ensemble (buildings and public space) and the nominalization for the “ISHO real estate development” offered by the Romanian Building awards 2019 for future projects. Also, in 1990, he started his teaching career at the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning from Timisoara, where he is since 2015 a full professor and dean. His teaching activity includes courses at the bachelor degree of the faculty like “History of modern architecture” and “Contemporary methods and theories”, but also courses and projects at the Heritage restoration and regeneration master degree, like “Contemporary methods and theories in restoration” and at the Urban planning and landscape design master degree, like “Urban regeneration” and “Landscape urbanism”. He is also a member of the Romanian Order of Architects, the Romanian Register of Urban Planners and the Romanian Union of Architects. He has participated in more than 50 conferences, has published 5 chapters in books and over 70 papers in scientific journals and conference proceedings but also in architectural journals about architectural heritage protection and restoration and architectural design.

Vasiliki E. Eleftheriou
Director of the Acropolis Restoration Service, Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports, Greece
"RESTORING THE ACROPOLIS MONUMENTS. Visible and invisible work."
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Vasiliki Eleftheriou is an Architect-Engineer and holds an MSc in the Protection of Monuments from the School of Architecture of the National Technical University of Athens. She works at the Greek Ministry of Culture and Sports. From 1988 to 2005 she was in charge of the restoration works of the Lindos Acropolis and from 2006 to 2011 she has been working at the Acropolis Restoration Service in Athens on the restoration project of the Parthenon. Since December 2011 she has been the Director of the Acropolis Restoration Service.
She has participated in conferences and has contributed several papers on the subject of cultural heritage protection and management. She has also lectured at seminars in universities in Greece (National Technical University of Athens, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Technical University of Crete,
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) and abroad (Columbia University, Yale University, UPenn, Boston University, University of Delaware, Stony Brook University, Polytechnic School of Bari, Munich Technical University, University of Basilicata, MIE University).
She has collaborated with the Greek Archaeological Service and research institutions, including the 22th Ephorate of Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities, the 4th Ephorate of Byzantine Antiquities, the Archaeological Institute of Aegean Studies, the University of Ioannina, the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the Free University of Berlin.
She participates in the Committee for the Conservation and restoration of the Monuments of the Acropolis at Lindos, the Committee for the Restoration of the Ancient Theatre of Lindos and the scientific committee of the Journal of Archaeology and Ancient Architecture “Thiasos”, published by the University of Rome “La Sapienza” and the Faculty of Architecture of the Polytechnic School of Bari. She is also a member of the Centre of Literature and the Arts of the Dodecanese, the Panhellenic Union of Architects and the Technical Chamber of Greece.

Antonia Moropoulou
National Technical University of Athens, Greece
"The restoration of the vault of the Holy Tomb in Jerusalem."
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Antonia Moropoulou, is currently Professor at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece and President of the General Assembly of the Technical Chamber of Greece. She is a Chemical Engineer, PhD, Full Professor at the Section of Materials Science and Engineering of the NTUA School of Chemical Engineering and Director of the NTUA Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory. She is Studies Director of the NTUA Master Program “Protection of Monuments” - Direction “Materials and conservation Interventions”. She has served as NTUA Vice Rector of Academic Affairs (2010-2014) and Vice President of the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI) (2013-2016). She was elected as Contracted Professor in IUAV University of Venice (1993), Visiting Professor at Princeton University (1995-1996). She is a world class expert in building materials and the preservation of monuments that comprise the World’s Cultural Heritage.  She has worked on restoration projects in Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, the Holy Sepulchre and the Church of Resurrection in Jerusalem, the Medieval City of Rhodes, and other major historic cities monuments and sites in Greece and the Mediterranean. She has been scientific coordinator of more than 80 National, European and International research competitive programs and author of 5 books, 22 chapters in books, editor of 15 special editions and author of more than 500 scientific publications. In 2012 she was awarded the ‘YPATIA’ Award by the ‘Association of Hellenic Women Scientists’. In 2017 she was honoured the SEFI Fellowship Award. She was the Chief Scientific Supervisor of the project for the “Conservation, reinforcement and repair interventions for the rehabilitation of the Holy Aedicule of the Holy Sepulchre in the All-Holy Church of Resurrection in Jerusalem”, which was recently implemented in the framework of the common agreement of the Status Quo Christian Communities, following invitation by the Greek-Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem.

Lidija Krstevska
University Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia
"Estimation of Seismic Behaviour of Historic Masonry Structures by Shake Table Testing"
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Lidija Krstevska, Ph.D.,M.Sc, B.Sc, is a full professor in the Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology - IZIIS, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia. She is a professor in the subjects Experimental Mechanics and Dynamics of Structures at the international master and doctoral studies at IZIIS. Her main professional activities are related to experimental testing of structures on site as well as testing of scaled models, elements, structural components and equipment in laboratory conditions exposed to different types of dynamic loads, including earthquakes. She has participated, as principal investigator or co-investigator, in numerous international scientific projects: JFP-760/YO-AES-192-USDA; INCO-COPERNICUS EUROQUAKE IC1 5-CT-97-0203 Project, NATO Science For Peace Project - SFP: 983828; FP6 PROHITECH Project, COST Actions C25, C26 and FP1101, Project SERA – Seismology and Earthquake Engineering Research Infrastructure Alliance for Europe, as well as in several bi-lateral projects with Turkey, Slovenia and Croatia. She has participated at numerous national and international conferences, training schools and seminars and has published more than 160 original and scientific papers as author or co-author. She has supervised several master and PhD thesis. Research interest of Prof. Krstevska’s scientific activity includes investigation of seismic behaviour, stability and vulnerability of different types of structures – high-rise buildings, historical buildings and monuments, masonry and wooden structures as well as other systems aimed at their earthquake protection.
Currently, she is a Head of the department: Laboratory for Dynamic Testing and Informatics at IZIIS.